Eärendil and Elwing had two sons, Elrond and Elros. Another alliance between Man and Elf, the hero Beren and his Elvish bride Lúthien, were Elwing's paternal grandparents. Eärendil became the leader of the people who lived there, and married Elwing, the half-elven daughter of Dior and the Sindar elf-maid Nimloth. Eärendil and his parents lived afterwards in Arvernien by the mouth of Sirion. Eärendil was almost killed by his mother's treacherous cousin Maeglin, who had betrayed Gondolin to Morgoth he was saved when his father killed Maeglin. He was raised in Gondolin when he was seven years old, he escaped the sacking of Gondolin with his parents. Eärendil Įärendil (also "Eärendel") was the half- elven son of a Man, Tuor, and an Elf, Idril, daughter of Turgon, the King of the hidden Elvish city of Gondolin.
There was enmity between Morgoth and the free peoples, Elves and Men. The Dark Lord Morgoth desired the Silmarils for himself, and managed to seize them to put in his crown. Fëanor, son of Finwë, the King of the Noldor, one branch of the Elves, had unique skill in craftsmanship, and forged three brilliant and highly prized jewels, the Silmarils, that shone like bright stars. The Elves became divided on their migrations, some settling in the Northwestern region called Beleriand. Middle-earth was peopled in the First Age by immortal Elves, later followed by Men. The city of Gondolin is top centre the region of Arvernien is lower left.

Sketch map of Beleriand in the First Age. by barely-precedented intricacies" of poetry. Through their progeny, Eärendil and Elwing became the ancestors of the Númenorean, and later Dúnedain, royal bloodline.Įärendil is the subject, too, of the song in The Lord of the Rings sung and supposedly composed by Bilbo in Rivendell, described by Tom Shippey as exemplifying "an elvish streak. Elwing is the granddaughter of Lúthien and Beren, and is descended from Melian the Maia. Tolkien took Eärendil's name from the Old English name Earendel, found in the poem Crist A, which hailed him as "brightest of angels" this was the beginning of Tolkien's Middle-earth mythology. The morning star and the Silmarils are elements of the symbolism of light, for divine creativity, continually splintered as history progresses. The jewel had been saved by Elwing from the destruction of the Havens of Sirion. He is a great seafarer who, on his brow, carried the morning star, a jewel called a Silmaril, across the sky. They are depicted in The Silmarillion as Half-elven, the children of Men and Elves. Eärendil the Mariner (pronounced ) and his wife Elwing are characters in J.